9x9 rugs 9x9 rugs
Written By : RugKnots  |  

A 9x9 area rug is a great choice for anyone who needs to cover a large space. The options are endless, and there's sure to be something that suits your taste! Wool, cotton, polyester, or jute? Square or rectangular? There are so many choices out there in all shapes and sizes; you'll have no problem finding the perfect one. Put a 9x9 square rug anywhere in your home for an easy way to add softness! You can use it on any flooring surface, even in high-traffic areas. The possibilities are endless with these versatile little rugs - from covering up sharp corners or as a runner in the kitchen. The best 9x9 Rugs of 2024 are hard to come by, but we have you covered. These 30 best 9x9 rugs for 2024 will make your home look and feel luxurious. You'll be able to find the perfect rug for any room in your house with these amazing deals! Read on for more information. We've put together a list of the best rugs available at the moment so you can get started right away. Of course, always keep an eye out for new arrivals as they come out because there's no guarantee that this will be up-to-date forever.

1. Navy Contemporary Area Rug

The navy contemporary Area Rug is perfect for nearly any room. All of our rugs are 100% Polypropylene Pile - no shedding, easy to care for, and sturdy enough to take on high traffic areas such as hallways or doorways. We have fragrant-free products so that allergies won't be an issue. Returns are free, and exchanges are hassle-free with the help of our knowledgeable customer service team, who love assisting people in their home decor plans!

Navy Contemporary Area Rug

2. Green Contemporary Area Rug

Is your home feeling outdated, and you're starting to get bored with the style of your furniture? Our green contemporary Area Rug will help you integrate the latest design trends into your home without having to go through dramatic changes. The best part of this rug is that it's a truly versatile fashion piece--you can use it in nearly any room. Place one in an entryway for a high-end luxe finish or foyer for even more drama! Living rooms benefit from the plush comfort underfoot when used as an area rug as well! If your pet frequently makes accidents on your flooring, this lightweight but luxurious option will also keep those stains away--and won't require a separate rug mat either! What are you waiting for?

Green Contemporary Area Rug

3. Ivory Southwestern Area Rug

With a sophisticated and elegant look, this Ivory Southwestern area rug is the perfect addition to your living room or focal point in the dining room. It will greet guests with its southwestern flair, so they know you care about them as much as you did before they stepped off the foyer mat. This synthetic material provides a soft surface for your pets and kids without risk of allergy like wool and doesn't shed! The log cabin design adds warmth to any kitchen table while still keeping everything clean.

Ivory Southwestern Area Rug

4. Multicolor Boho Chic Area Rug

Our Multicolor Boho Chic Area Rug is a beautiful addition to your room. With an elephant design, this statement rug will capture the attention of any guest! Not only does it come in many beautifully colored fabrics for you to choose from, but it is also highly durable and made with woven fabric so that it can stand up against feet - they are sure not to pull on the fibers too hard when walking across them! Symmetrically printed with an elephant's design, this rug spans full-lengths by lying close on tiled or carpeted surfaces. This rug makes a wonderful find for any type of interior decoration or used as portable softness near and around seating areas.

Multicolor Boho Chic Area Rug

5. Navy Southwestern Area Rug

Run, on-the-go person: if you've ever had to get out of the house with crazy amounts of clothes laying all over and started picking up every pile of laundry on your way out the door only to find yourself in an argument with yourself as to what pants go where--then this rug has been made for you. Add a touch of fresh style for underfoot with a navy southwestern area rug that is stain-resistant and machine washable.

Navy Southwestern Area Rug

6. Multicolor Boho Chic Area Rug

This gorgeous colorful boho chic rug is perfect for adding a touch of style to your living room, bedroom, or bathroom. You'll only find one like this in the world - the handhook design moves from one style to another seamlessly and shows off a wide range of colors to leave you feeling great about your purchase. The antique feel that it compliments any decor, providing an Egyptian and oriental ambiance within seconds! If you're looking for something not only practical but also aesthetically pleasing, then this ultra-soft rug fits all the criteria: we guarantee it will meet your expectations.

Multicolor Boho Chic Area Rug

7. Grey Southwestern Area Rug

You won't find anything more inviting than the grey Southwestern Area Rug. It features a stylish design with an organic pattern that invites guests' feet to stop and stay awhile. This rug is perfect for indoor use and can even be a beautiful canvas for your favorite artwork or furniture pieces needing some visual interest. With its soft material, this piece's big effect will make you feel comfy, cozy, and like your house has come alive!

Grey Southwestern Area Rug

8. Brown Southwestern Area Rug

Bring your home to life with this brown southwestern bold rug. This affordable and durable carpeting will blend seamlessly with nearly any room, whether a den or a living area! Don't need an indoor-outdoor solution? Tired of cleaning up pet hair from your floor when you want to show off how nice the hardwood floors are? The contemporary area rug's low pile height means that they can easily thin out while giving you plenty of cushion for those high traffic areas like halls, kitchens, basements, and bedrooms! The polypropylene material gives these rugs great stain resistance. You could even have guests over without worrying about their dirty shoes marrying the beauty on the floor.

Brown Southwestern Area Rug

9. Green Southwestern Area Rug

The green southwestern area rug is contemporary and modern, with durable construction to handle heavy traffic. It's made of 100% polypropylene pile that ensures stain resistance. Use it in the living room as a focal point or accent an entryway with its high quality, low-pile synthetic fibers that are easy to maintain. The Southwestern Area Rug is a plush and cozy rug with a durable, synthetic pile. The low pile rug provides the perfect softness and durability for any sleek furniture or bedroom/living space! This pattern has a big impact on your decor with just one item.

Green Southwestern Area Rug

10. Beige Southwestern Area Rugs

Are you ready to greet your guests in style? Our Southwestern Area Rug is the perfect addition for any living room, bedroom, or hallway! With this Persian-inspired design and a comfortable low pile height, you'll be kicking off those shoes with ease and lounging around! Made from durable polypropylene fibers that are fade-resistant and stain-resistant (perfect for all those pesky spills), our rug will stay looking new as long as it's maintained. Patterned after a Persian design tradition where every rug was unique because it was handmade by one worker, it features subtle yet intricate detail that pops against its earthy background. Click on the link below to buy yours today!

Beige Southwestern Area Rugs

11. Multi-Color Southwestern Area Rug

Nothing is more important in your first impression of a home than the rug you put in front of your space. A beautifully woven Chinese Hand Hook makes a perfect centerpiece to any living room with its low pile and versatile size. If you're looking for a piece that will last, this one offers outdoor-style sun fade resistance against stains. This thick rug gives your bare feet the message and warm feel. Exactly what are you waiting on?

Multi-Color Southwestern Area Rug

12. Coral Southwestern Area Rug

Your feet deserve the best, and this rug will provide it. With a pile height of 0.37 inches, you can be sure of a delightful cushion while walking across it. In touch with today's trends, the pattern is abstract and brings art to any living space—modern or classic! The polypropylene pile means that no matter what your living situation– hardwood floors abound or not-this area rug will lie flat without any problem at all, so you don't have to worry about pet hair accumulating as much as on other types of carpeting. We've carefully considered the quality of this rug, too, so even if anyone spills coffee −or anything else− you won't have to panic! It works very beautifully in high foot traffic areas.

Coral Southwestern Area Rug

13. Yellow Southwestern Area Rug

This yellow rug features a simple style and stylish palette that adds a chic flair to your space. Its hand-hook construction backed by a 60-day warranty, mesmerizing patterns, and versatility makes it the perfect choice for any room. For an added layer of softness, you can use a rug pad which will also help with a function in hardwood floors or anywhere home with pets or children that may slip on your old beat-up rug. This convenient piece is nearly chewed resistant, so no more worrying about those messy disasters! And finally extra handy when you want to vacuum using your ordinary household vacuum cleaner thanks to its 100% polypropylene.

Yellow Southwestern Area Rug

14. Beige Southwestern Area Rug

Upon entering the home for the first time as a guest, you want an immediate welcome feel. This is where you spend most of your time, and it should be inviting. The Southwestern Area Rug is the right rug that provides modern comfort in a vibrant pattern that speaks to any southwest style enthusiast's deep connection with their roots. Made from durable synthetic fibers crafted by the artisans at RugKnots, this area rug is easy to clean, kid and pet safe, stain-resistant furniture friendly and offers big impact decorating possibilities with soft-touch hiding plush underneath for a cozier atmosphere all year long.

Beige Southwestern Area Rug

15. Multi-Color Southwestern Area Rug

The multicolor southwestern Area Rug is a charming addition to any living room. Made in China, this rug's construction includes a Chinese Hand Hook, so you can be sure it'll hold up for years to come. Low pile and stain-resistant, this contemporary rug utilizes linear designs, and its 9x9 rug size makes it the perfect focal point of any living space like your home office, bed, or living room.

Multi-Color Southwestern Area Rug

16. Red Southwestern Area Rug

You love your high-gloss hardwood floors, but they can be rough on your sensitive paws. They aren't just uncomfortable to walk and play on, but over time they may scratch up the surface of them too. If you have many pets with a lot of hair like ours do, the need for something tough yet comfortable becomes even more apparent. Our rug is designed to protect your floor from pet hair accumulation while at the same time looking elegant and stylish in nearly any room. We think it goes nicely with the rest of all materials because it's made out of 100% polypropylene pile, so there's bound to be no stains or fuzziness! Add an anti-slip rug pad underneath it for extra protection.

Red Southwestern Area Rug

17. Green Southwestern Area Rug

Crafted with a high-quality synthetic material from China, this green southwestern rug embodies the perfect combination of softness and durability, designed for those whose lifestyles are on the move. This 9x9 area rug is available in different varieties: green, beige, or brown, all at an excellent price that won't break your bank account! Think of it as a focal point to complete your living room or dining room while getting great quality and style without breaking the budget.

Green Southwestern Area Rug

18. Beige Southwestern Area Rug

It's time to update your home with this 100% polypropylene pile southwestern area rug, perfect for nearly any room. This made-in-China rug looks great with hardwood floors or a rug pad and does not show pet hair! It has a stain-resistant construction that makes it easy to care for. No need to worry about buying more than one because free shipping is included on all US orders! 30-day returns are also offered, so you never have to worry about purchasing the wrong product again.

Beige Southwestern Area Rug

19. Navy Southwestern Area Rug

Welcome those who come to your home and offer a place to sit with the perfect area rug. The navy blue color offers warmth that'll put you at ease as you relax among friends, family, or even pets! Whether it's the living room where guests will be gathering around tables for food or in the kitchen over bread proofing on Sunday mornings, this is just what you need! Give your floor some personality and flair by accenting it with white daisy lines.

Navy Southwestern Area Rug

20. Grey Contemporary Area Rug

This is the perfect rug to bring your living room design up a few notches! With its contemporary, geometrical pattern and middle pile, it brings that modern touch you've been looking for. And because it's constructed using synthetic material, it resists stains better than Wool Rugs. Create a welcoming environment in your home with this Southwestern area rug. It will bring a sense of a quiet, cozy space to relax and enjoy themselves on the shaggy fibers of our inviting faux fur rug. This southwest-inspired design is sure to have guests feeling at home in their stay at your residence!

Grey Contemporary Area Rug

21. Multi-Color Geometric Area Rug

This rug will add an eye-catching touch to your living room with its modern, geometric shapes in rich muted colors that'll work into any decor style from RugKnots. It is durable and soft enough for the whole family to enjoy padding around barefoot or with pets nearby. It features a 100% polypropylene pile for years of comfort. We recommend adding a rug pad under this beauty or placing a wood or carpet runner underneath if you like walking in socks (or need something softer than cold concrete). Hand-hook and durable, this beautiful geometric area rug is perfect in so many spots of your home--even infants can take their first steps across one!

Multi-Color Geometric Area Rug

22. Beige Southwestern Area Rug

Crafted with your living room in mind, the beige Southwestern Area Rug is perfect as a focal point in any space. Built of durable polypropylene fibers and manufactured under strict quality standards to deliver an expertly designed rug you'll love for years to come. This gorgeous Southwest-inspired area rug sets the perfect mood. Boasting warm earth tones reminiscent of sunset over the desert, its intricate woven design bears striking patterns that make it hard not to be drawn in by its beauty and charm. With a low pile height ideal for today's busy lifestyles, this eye-catching rug will create memories tonight.

Beige Southwestern Area Rug

23. Multi-Color Southwestern Area Rug

Colorful Southwestern Rugs are a great solution for families with pets owners and kids who love to let their imaginations go wild. What is more involved than a carpeted floor? The multicolor southwestern area rugs provide the perfect platform for doodling, drawing, art projects, or even playing hide-and-seek! These affordable rugs are manufactured out of durable polypropylene that resists stains your messiest family members can make. The low pile ensures they're as comfortable on your feet as they look in the living room. 9x9 stitches per inch ensure that all those high traffic areas will be safe from harm when you enjoy relaxing evenings around the hip and trendy focal point of contemporary architectural simplicity: your floor!

Multi-Color Southwestern Area Rug

24. Orange Southwestern Area Rug

In need of a contemporary area rug? Our southwestern Area Rug is precisely what you've been looking for. Made from high quality 100% polypropylene pile, this durable and stain-resistant rug will provide the perfect solution to your family's needs. One 9x9 size only, this is a great focal point in any living room or other high traffic areas where it can handle all manner of dirt and spills like no other design- while boasting great versatility too! Our southwestern rug offers plenty of options for finishing off any space beautifully. Never settle on bland flooring again when so many options are available at a small price tag like ours!

Orange Southwestern Area Rug

25. Green Southwestern Area Rug

When you're looking for a southwestern area rug that greets your guests in style, with no worries about fading, and your indoor use is an important factor in this rug's design, then our Southwestern Area Rug is a perfect fit. This general rule rugs can be found in both bedrooms and living spaces, always making a big impact with their luxurious soft pile. The gentle colors will invite friends to spend more time at home amongst cozy furniture and decorating while enjoying everything from shopping online or getting help from one of our expert sales associates within the showroom.

Green Southwestern Area Rug

26. Red Ziegler Area Rug

A transitional and eye-catching rug, the Ziegler features a subtle pattern with golden, red, and blue accents and brilliant gold patterns. Handwoven in Afghanistan of luxurious wool, this rug is available for 9' x 9' or 8' x 10'. This modern traditional area rug offers you a transitional style at an affordable price. The hand carving on the border adds pop to any room it's placed in while also being amazingly durable.

Red Ziegler Area Rug

27. Brown Southwestern Area Rug

Sometimes you need something to soften your hardwood flooring, a touch of fanciness to bring the colors in your room together, or just a place to put the furniture that doesn't involve touching up paint on the side. On these occasions, you have come to the right website! Our southwestern Area Rug will undoubtedly make any room look more beautiful and expensive. Its soft pile construction is perfect for high-traffic areas like hallways and living rooms, where spills are guaranteed without fail. Become a part of this growing trend by upgrading other parts of your home with area rugs as well. The contemporary area rug's synthetic material gives it an edge over natural fibers because it makes clean-up much easier.

Brown Southwestern Area Rug

28. Tan Geometric Area Rug

The Geometric Area Rug brings a round twist to traditional shapes. This impressive area rug is made of 100% polypropylene pile, and the design features an intricate floral in a lush tan color, which adds aesthetic appeal. The Chinese Hand Hook construction assures excellent durability and stability- perfect for your living room, bedroom, or even workshop! We suggest tying down this rug with carpet tacks on hardwood floors to keep it in place while vacuuming or for use with pets that shed.

Tan Geometric Area Rug

29. Red Southwestern Area Rug

The red Area Rug. Made in China, with a synthetic material 100% polypropylene pile; this red southwestern area rug is a 9x9 size perfect for your living room's focal point. Stain-resistant and high-traffic areas allow plenty of use, while the low pile provides thickness to keep from falling through to hardwood floors. If you're looking for a rug that's not going to let dirt and cat hair ruin your home, invest in this soft, durable option. Say hello to high-quality material guaranteed to last for years with heat-resistant and stain-resistant tendencies, plus the freedom to customize size based on needs. The southwestern Area Rug does it all!

Red Southwestern Area Rug

30. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

Elegant and stylish, this ivory Ziegler Area Rug is the perfect addition to your room. The wool material offers a soft but durable feel while also being strong enough for any type of vacuuming. The dining room, Bedroom, Sunroom, or Kitchen are all suitable locations for this rug, with its size of 9'8 x9'9 feet, able to accommodate multiple large furniture pieces. Relatively lightweight at an affordable price, it's unrolled, you'll want to take full advantage of the free shipping by purchasing today!

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

31. Blue Southwestern Area Rug

How's your house coming along? You've organized everything, but you're missing a touch of color to tie it all together. If you want to add some personality to your home, look no further than our blue Southwestern Area Rug! It's easy enough for anyone in the family—or even pets—to clean up if something spills or is dropped on the soft pile fabric, and it features a beautiful pattern that'll make everyone want to come over.

Blue Southwestern Area Rug

Frequently Asked Questions About 9'x9' Rugs

1. What Is A Good Thickness For An 9x9 Area Rug?

Many people want an area rug that hides as much of the floor as possible, and if that is your goal, then thicker rugs are not for you, and thinner ones will be suitable. If this isn't something to worry about, then go with whichever rug meets your other priorities- colors or patterns you like best, least likely to show dust or pet hair, and don't forget any warranties or certification information included with each rug before making a decision.

2. You Put A Rectangle Rug In A Square Room?

Generally, use a rectangular rug in a rectangular room, a square rug in a square room; and save round rugs for entry halls, under any circular dining tables, or even in a playroom. Always place your furniture first before measuring for a rug. Your living room should be rectangular. Rectangular rugs are best for this type of space, and Round Rugs work well in entry halls or playrooms.

3. Are Area Rugs Complements Hardwood Floors?

One of the keys to success when decorating is choosing a rug that complements your home's style and personality. You can do this by matching your table shapes, colors, and patterns with what type of rug you choose for the floor. Is there anything more beautiful than walking into a room where everything has been thoughtfully selected? A carefully chosen area rug will complete an enchanting atmosphere in any space! The main thing to be aware of before purchasing one, though, is how it fits within different types of rooms: rectangular rugs should go on wooden or tiled floors; Square Rugs should complement wood furniture found in large open spaces such as living rooms; round carpets typically work well under dining tables because they're comfortable for sitting around.

4. Are 9x9 Square Area Rugs Good?

Squares are best for square rooms, but a rectangular rug is the most traditional. Traditional rectangular rugs work well in rooms with large open floors, such as living or office spaces. A square rug is best for a room with similarly shaped furniture like tables and other circular items on the floor.

5. What Shape Rug Should Go Under A Square Table?

Round rugs are a great option in any type of living space. For a unique artistic look, try using a round rug under the square table in the breakfast nook!

6. How Should A Rug Pad Fit Under A Rug?

Rug pads should measure less than the size of your rug on all four sides. If you have a circular 8'x10' carpet, for example, then it would be best to use a 7½" x 9½" pad so that there is an inch's difference between the two dimensions or each edge (as this will create even thickness).


If you're looking for a way to add personality and style to your home, 9x9 area rugs are an easy solution. You can even place them in every room if desired! There's no limit on where these come in handy--and there is always one that will fit any taste or color preference from this page. We have hoped to show our product's versatility--maybe even inspiring some ideas for how it could work into your own space at home. Shop now through RugKnots' website today and get free shipping with purchase! Did you know that we can make your rug any size? If this is something of interest to you, please email us at info@rugknots.com or call us at (301)-660-7046, and one of our customer service representatives will get back with a quote for the right sized area rug!

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Rugknots Red Isfahan Area Rug - AR5569
$3,457.99 $6,915.98
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Ivory Ziegler Area RugIvory Ziegler Area Rug
Rugknots Ivory Ziegler Area Rug - AR3597
$2,119.62 $4,239.24
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Rugknots Multi-Color Overdyed Area Rug - AR3441
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Ivory Isfahan Area Rug - AR5496Ivory Isfahan Area Rug
Rugknots Ivory Isfahan Area Rug - AR5496
$2,545.47 $5,090.93
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Multi-Color Ziegler Area RugMulti-Color Ziegler Area Rug
Rugknots Multi-Color Ziegler Area Rug - AR5075
$3,619.33 $7,238.67
Sold out

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