Round Rugs Round Rugs
Written By : RugKnots  |  

The right area rugs help you bring the room together, so how do you pick the perfect rug for your home? First of all, your rug size, shape, and also color should complement the dimension of your room. Some time square or rectangular shape rugs can't couple with your room's dimension and interior, so RugKnots bring the best rugs ever in their variety, i.e., shapes, sizes, style, and material. Circular area rugs lighten the sharp edge and straight lines of a room and make a balanced environment. You also put this round rug on or under a round table for decorative and functional purposes. Here in this blog, we show you different Round Rugs with different colors, sizes, designs, and materials. You get to know how a round rug makes a big difference in any room and brings eternity, unity, and intimacy to your space. Follow our best area rugs in circular or round shapes here.

1. Black Ziegler Area Rug  

How to create happening movement in your big, dull, and empty room? Introduce this beautiful Ziegler round rug with a punch of powerful colors. This rug features a floral motif circular boundary that highlights its simple center. This hand-knotted rug was made with wool which gives a soft and plush feeling. If you are searching for a traditional-looking rug, then this is for you. We recommend adding the best area rugs for your dining room, kitchen tables, living room, or entryway.

Black Ziegler Area Rug

2. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

This piece of art features floral patterns embedded with leaves, petals, and stems with bold ivory, brown, golden, and black color combinations. The dark border with a light center highlighted the presence of a round rug on your floor. Our artisan's hand-knotted this rug by using organic dyes that never fade easily and natural wool fibers with utmost care. You put this circular rug in the living room, dining room, or entryway for creating intimacy and warmth in your surroundings.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

3. Blue Ziegler Area Rug

Are you searching for a round rug but with a bright color that catches your eyes instantly? Blue is a very royal and bright color. If you put this rounded rug with a transition of blue shade on your entryway, then It will be impossible to ignore its presence and beauty. It will bring elegance and align with sharp dimensions. RugKnots artesian did their best to manufacture such a high-quality rug that will be in your family for decades. Please don’t waste your time surfing; pick your rug and add it to the cart.

Blue Ziegler Area Rug

4. Brown Ziegler Area Rug

Wool rugs are incredibly soft and plush to the touch due to their pure natural fibers. It features a floral and accent leaves pattern with a harmonious combination of coffee, brown, and gold colors. There is a varying range of sizes that makes it suitable for various spaces, from small to large, or even for circular dining tables. We provide you every minute detail about the best rugs that make your choice easy to purchase.

Brown Ziegler Area Rug

5. Orange Ziegler Area Rug

How to pull off a round rug that works functionally and give a statement to your décor? It features a large flower surrounded by multiple circular layers of coral, creamy beige, and sandy tan shades. Its whole look balances the aesthetic sense in your place, so happily display anywhere in your home and set a fashion statement. Organic dyes used during manufacturing never fade quickly, so that they will last for many years. Here at RugKnots, we are available to guide the best area rugs for you.

Orange Ziegler Area Rug

6. Black Ziegler Area Rug

RugKnots bring variety in their round rug collection irrespective of their size. Simple floral design brim with beige color with bold ivory and jet-black background complement any traditional or modern space. These Ziegler Rugs were hand-knotted with wool from New Zealand, making the rug durable to heavy foot traffic and moisture. You can avail this breathtakingly beautiful at RugKnots with a discount offer and free shipping.

Black Ziegler Area Rug

7. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

A rug features golden minute flowers and leaves with creamy beige background and thick hickory brown circular boundary. These tiny design elements make the rug simple, sophisticated, but attractive. Made with wool by the best artisans in the RugKnots and dyed using only the finest organic dyes. Natural fibers make it unbelievably soft plus plush with remarkable resilience. This rug stands out beatifically with any furniture and makes space look bigger than it actually is.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

8. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

This gorgeous round rug with rustic color and floral design is inspired by traditional Persian art. Wool is the soft, fluffy textiles that make a place your own distinctive and a bit warm and comfy. This traditional yet classic look will go with any formal room setting. RugKnots provide the valuable best area rugs for designing the interior of your home or office. If you have any doubts, then go to our website and check our rug reviews.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

9. Black Ziegler Area Rug

This rug showcases a bold character rug with a dark black center and beige boundary brim with pastels, flowers, and leaves. Its alluring color combination complements all kinds of spaces. This gorgeous rounded rug is made of high-quality 100% pure wool, which adds elegance and intimacy to any space. Its shape and color contrast make it perfect for the wooden floor of your hallway, living room, entryway. Why are you still thinking? Get the best rugs from RugKnots.

Black Ziegler Area Rug

10. Brown Ziegler Area Rug

Round rug boasts the energy of any space. This light border with an intricate floral pattern gives classic touch. Its blossoming design adds elegance and femininity to its earthy brown and beige background. As it was made with wool through a hand-knotted process, which also adds warmth and comfort to your floors. These rugs stand out wherever you would like to place them. so go and buy this rug at a reasonable price and enjoy free shipping.

Brown Ziegler Area Rug

11. Brown Overdyed Area Rug

A large flower motif in a curved path forms a stunning circular rug. This rug features ivory and creamy beige borders around the brown center that give earthly soft and sophisticated appeal. The rug is hand-knotted in Pakistan with a natural fiber named wool which is highly durable and wear and tear-resistant. Its circular structure surely will make a statement in any contemporary home. Please keep that in your thinking rounded or circular-shaped area rugs have no place restriction, so now you can place it anywhere without fuss.

Brown Overdyed Area Rug

12. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

If you want to keep your décor minimal and search for neutral color area rugs, then look at this one. It attributes sophisticated floral patterns, including petals, stems, and leaves in red and beige embroidery on a neutral color background. This art piece indeed has makeup with any home, any décor, and style. Here in this blog, we give you a precise idea about the best area rugs in RugKnots to clear your doubts before shopping.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

13. Black Ziegler Area Rug

The spectacular and splendid combination of black, tan, and neutral beige creates a gorgeous central round rug for you. Its creative, intricate pattern draws anyone's attention in an instant. You will love this hand-knotted wool rug which gives you cozy and comfort after all-day fatigue. If you want to put this beautiful black Ziegler mat under your dining table, then go ahead. RugKnots offers you free shipping with attractive offers, so go and pick your one.

Black Ziegler Area Rug

14. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

The Peshawar Ziegler rug depicts the ancient traditional design but with modern touch add a luxurious feel. When you buy rounded rugs, you have to make sure that they complement your room's theme. Pick this neutral yet bold circular rug for your dining room or maybe tables because it is available in varying sizes. You need not worry about wearing rugs under sliding friction because their material is very durable and bears high foot traffic and stain. This room area rugs will match any home, room, any fashion.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

15. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

The round rug has the ability to rock your small and large dull, empty spaces with just one décor. This piece is crafted with pure wool export from New Zealand, enhancing its quality in terms of longevity and durability. You don't need to worry about its color degradation because this wool is dyed with natural vegetable dyes that last very long. We suggest the best traditional Persian rug for all neutral or formal homes.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

16. Red Ziegler Area Rug

The classic and irresistible red and gold contrast always does not fail to give a traditional look. Similarly, these Circular Area Rugs feature intricate motifs along a golden border with a color palette of brick red, brown, ivory, and beige. Wool fabric gives it an unbelievably smooth and plush feel. No doubt its color scheme creating breath-taking circle area rugs. RugKnots give assurance about their best area rugs quality to their customers.

Red Ziegler Area Rug

17. Green Ziegler Area Rug

RugKnots experts made this piece with pure wool by hand-knotted process and result in stunning traditional yet modern art pieces. This rug is embedded with petals, leaves, and stems in circular form. The beauty of rounded-shaped rugs is that they are both decorative and have a functional purpose in our homes. You can put this floor piece in any place with minimal décor, enhancing your room's aesthetic appeal. RugKnots promise that you'll love their circular area rugs collection and will not regret your choice.

Green Ziegler Area Rug

18. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

A round rug under your coffee table highlighted the corner and brightened up the foyers' feel that attracts guests and gives a welcoming feeling. Similarly, this beige center and dark black circle boundaries embroidered with leaves, stems, and petals will wow you, your family members, and your guest. Remind that its regular maintenance keeps them new and vibrant as it is when it's fresh. You also get cleaning and decorating tips from RugKnots experts.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

19. Brown Ziegler Area Rug

This beautiful floral pattern was hand-knotted with pure wool under the utmost care of our expert artesian. They keep it simple and not overdo it with bright colors that merge with all types of places. The entire look involves traditional flowers with delicate curved light beige color layers that add intimacy and character to any contemporary space. You will love this gorgeous circular area rug in your entryway or living room.

Brown Ziegler Area Rug

20. Black Ziegler Area Rug

Stunning but classic floral patterns add vibrancy and drama to your areas. These rug colors are guaranteed to match any modern or traditional home; its wool material has water, dust, and stain resistance, so if you want to put it in high traffic areas, go forward without any doubt. Make a fashion statement for your home this 2024 with the best room area rugs ever if you decide to switch your rugs.

Black Ziegler Area Rug

21. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

May you choose a round rug for a bathroom? A circular floor piece gives the bathroom a neat and tidy look. When you put circular area rugs in the middle of the kitchen floor or just at the doorstep, It will give you a warm, welcoming vibe. Floral patterns are hand-knotted with a subtle yet bold design that involves a light center with brown borders. The intricate patterns that were carefully hand-knotted add an element of class and sophistication to any room.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

22. Multi-Color Kids Area Rug

Lil Mo Whimsy Collection bought a colorful hot air balloon floating in a cloudy sky-inspired flooring item. Its bright and whimsical, and unique design will indeed ride your little one in a dreamy world. It is made from 100% polyester, known for super smooth and longevity. Its synthetic material bears the rough handling of your little one and lasts for many years. Also, these are very easy to clean, stain, and waterproof. Let's decide to give your kid a room, playroom, or nurseries in 2024 with our functional plus attractive rugs.

Multi-Color Kids Area Rug

23. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

You are probably interested in current décor trends and colors when you are decorating your home. Ivory Ziegler area rug is known for its earthy color that goes with all minimalist interior design. It takes a very long time to create beautiful artwork by hand. That’s why after that hard work, it will not easily destroy. This circular piece is available in all sizes to fit in a small space or on tables. Shop now from RugKnot with a discount.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

24. Multi-Color Kids Area Rug

RugKnots offer fun, loving, and stylish kid rugs in Lil Mo Whimsy Collection, which surf for kid playrooms, nurseries, or even bedrooms. Its design extract from nature and bees in real life may be terrifying, but it looks incredible on the rugs. We use synthetic polypropylene fibers because it has wear and stain-resistant against the rough use of kids. They are available in different sizes and styles so that you can take them according to your kid's room dimension.

Multi-Color Kids Area Rug

25. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

This beautiful circular artwork features rusted orange and ivory with gold embroidery all over. Its light color center with bold borders highlights its presence in any room. Its style and color scheme will not make your space overcrowded. Pakistani weavers use 100% pure wool in their hand-knotting process, which increases their lifespan over time. When you enter your room, it will give you comfort and warmth.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

26. Aqua Contemporary Area Rug

Upgrade your indoor lifestyle with this Aqua contemporary; the Veranda Collection will be added to any space. This collection brings style and durability to the outdoor patio and kitchen, having high foot traffic because 100% pure polypropylene pile is used in the Chinese hand-hooked process. It is easy to vacuum. Shop this modern circular piece to match your fashion and budget.

Aqua Contemporary Area Rug

27. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

Add this stunning circular-shaped rug to your simple room design because it will surely excite your room's charm, elegance, and simplicity. Also, your room's sharp corners and straight dimensions can be softened by this circular rug presence. Its floral design with pastel colors is not too vibrant nor too dull for any décor. So bring these lovely pieces for your dining room or entryway this 2024.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

28. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

This cozy central rug features the traditional floral pattern with a broad rustic red boundary. This handmade work set a level of silks of Pakistani artisans. You can put this round rug on the coffee table as a decorative cover. If you want to add a unique style to your living room, bedroom, playroom, or gym room, install this traditional Ziegler rug in round shape. You can customize the size of the round rug according to your room's dimensions.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

29. Brown Ziegler Area Rug

This rug features a light border and dark interior brim with caramel, plum, and honey boldness of design. Interior designers often use browns and beige designs because it softens the rug's color scheme's bold contrast. Hand-knotting of its delicate pattern with pure wool takes a very long time. That is why it is so resilient and durable that it will not easily shed or damage regular functioning. RugKnot is currently offering a discount on their items.

Brown Ziegler Area Rug

30. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

The sophisticated floral pattern that features a dark border with a light interior will best go with your traditional home décor. Its intricate details were hand-knotted from natural materials wool. We assure you that this stunning circular rug will stun you, your family, and your guest. The eggshell ivory in midnight black and earthy tans shades will complement any home, style, or color.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

31. Brown Ziegler Area Rug

You are deciding to transform your home style this year. Round area rugs are perfect for styling your space as a trendy and balanced aesthetic décor piece. These are incredibly versatile so that they can go with every single room. The intricate patterns that were carefully hand-knotted with pure wool that bring class and sophistication to any room.

Brown Ziegler Area Rug

32. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

If you want to keep your room unique and straightforward, then the rug will make a muted statement with a decent color scheme and a simple but elegant pattern. It features soft colors ivory and browns that blend easily and give this round rug moderate contrast and intrigue. This minimalist design incorporates any home style- modern or traditional.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

33. Brown Ziegler Area Rug

The round shape symbolizes eternity, unity, and intimacy. Round rugs have varying characteristics and the ability to create movement in any room. The round shape rugs are made to be in your interior decor for decades. We hand-crafted these rugs by our best artisans in the rug-making industry around the world.

Brown Ziegler Area Rug

34. Blue Ziegler Area Rug

The rug has beautiful patterns with varying blue shades, making it an eye-catching rug from far apart. It adds a dimension to space due to its design. It features a darker shade outer border and a lighter shade inner portion of blue. If you want to add a funky look in your living room, bedroom, playroom, or gym room, install this royal blue round rug.

Blue Ziegler Area Rug

35. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

This beautiful rug comes from Pakistan, where an experienced artesian hand knotted this rug from wool with many days of hard work. The Simple and decent floral patterns play across the rug's area with petals, leaves, and stems in beige and red color. It is made from pure wool exported from New Zealand that makes it possible to last for decades. You can invest for your next generation by purchasing this floor piece.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

36. Brown Ziegler Area Rug

If you want to bring attention to specific areas in your home, we can give a definite solution. Whenever you run out of decor ideas while decorating your new home, add this beautiful round rug. It features an intricate floral pattern framed by a light border. This round piece will add comfort and character to your hallway or entryway.

Brown Ziegler Area Rug

37. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

This statement piece will catch everyone's eyes and delight your guest with its complex design and classic color scheme. The reds and golds dominate its beige base. This round rug brings more charm into your room and becomes the focal point. In short, no matter what style you follow for your room, this rug cooperates with it.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

38. Black Ziegler Area Rug

It's a very excellent way to differentiate your home décor from others by putting different shape area rugs on your floors. The dark and light color contrast with blooming floral patterns adds femininity and character to your space. This bold circular rug highlights the focal points of your room effortlessly. You can soften your rectangular sharp edge appearance by introducing round floor pieces in your room.

Black Ziegler Area Rug

39. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

The round rug creates a lovely composition with specific places like nurseries or study rooms. You can use these small round rugs for layering or defining your areas. So, shop now to style your small, dull, and boring spaces with these unique rugs. This will be your best choice in the flooring piece. You also hide your wooden or tiles floors' stain and roughness by covering them with beautiful pieces.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

40. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

Nowadays, a circular/round is getting more attention than ever. I hope you also want to go with the trend to show you one more round piece. This round rug is based on traditional Persian design and will look excellent in any style of home. Its finest wool materials make them last for many years under regular functional use.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

41. Brown Ziegler Area Rug

With its enticing earth tones of caramel and pecan brown and beige, Round Rug describes a classic rustic feel and irresistible warmth. This round piece, which features an intricate floral design framed by a light border, adds comfort and character to a hallway or entryway. why your cart is empty, put this Ziegler patterned rug for your home decor.

Brown Ziegler Area Rug

42. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

Have you decided to use a circular rug in your home? Round Rugs are ideal for adding movement and intimacy to a room. Expert artisans hand-knotted this beautiful round area rug out of 100 percent wool — you won't believe how fluffy and soft it is. Bring this flooring piece to your home, enhancing your room's aesthetic appeal and balancing your room temperature.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

43. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

This ivory round rug features lovely floral designs in soft coral, gold, and black colors. Its circular border is also covered in various prints like petals, leaves, and stems. This flat woven rug gives your feet a massage feel when you step on it. When you see this traditional but common rug, you'll almost certainly want to get it for your room's floors.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

44. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

If you need a rug for your home office that will be moderate in pattern and color. check this traditional rug which is simple yet looks stylish on floors. it features the neutral tones of champagne and hazelnut, as well as the bold black of this lovely round area rug with a dark border and light interior. Accents of brown and gold, without a doubt, soften the rug's bold color scheme. It would be a long-term asset.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

45. Green Ziegler Area Rug

Look no further if you're looking for a stunning round area rug that's both subtle and bold! A round shape is a sign of intimacy and closeness. so a round rug collects all the space together and make a balanced environment around. This Round Rug is an excellent choice for a round area rug in your home. A traditional style round rug is given a contemporary look by soft minty greens accompanied by deep coral rend and neutral ivories and sandy tans.

Green Ziegler Area Rug

46. Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

The eyes will be drawn to the center of this Round Rug with a traditional floral pattern, beautiful milky ivory, and rusty red. The gold border adds a rustic touch, and intricate motifs along the rug's border emphasize the degree of craftsmanship that went into this handcrafted piece of art. This round area rug made of 100% wool has intricate details hand-knotted into it.

Ivory Ziegler Area Rug

47. Black Ziegler Area Rug

Earthy tones and bright bursts of color combine in this round rug. This beautiful round area rug will make a statement in your entryway or dining room, with a brown gingerbread core covered in leafy and floral designs and softer ivory and beige border. if you want an extra soft rug like a shag collection then you put carpet or rug pad under your round rug. It will also prevent slipping and sliding of rugs on the floor.

Black Ziegler Area Rug

48. Grey Ziegler Area Rug

The dense, multi-tiered border on this rug echoes many of the rug's simply elegant middle designs. Charcoal grey can go with whatever color scheme you have in your house, whether it's modern or traditional. Its natural material is highly resistant to wear and tear. This round rug is appropriate for high-traffic areas.

Grey Ziegler Area Rug

49. Ivory Overdyed Area Rug

This round area rug combines cream, stunning beige, and stunning rust. The neutral center of this round rug is drawn to by a typical floral pattern. With touches of gold and sage, the rusty red line adds a subtle yet striking pop of color. The intricate motifs along the rug's border highlight the degree of craftsmanship that went into creating this hand-knotted masterpiece.

Ivory Overdyed Area Rug

50. Black Overdyed Area Rug

The outer border's ivory and beige colors contrast with the deep, metal black. The beauty of this traditional floral design on your floors will take your breath away. Since the wool is hand-knotted by a skilled artisan, it is incredibly durable. This area rug works well in both modern and traditional settings.

Black Overdyed Area Rug

51. Brown Overdyed Area Rug

This Round Rug's character comes from its earthy tones and intricate designs. This rug features numerous borders, floral patterns, and an asymmetrical style while staying true to the conventional layout. This beautiful hand-knotted round area rug is perfect for an entryway or kitchen dining room and will go with any home style — modern or traditional!

Brown Overdyed Area Rug

52. Ivory Overdyed Area Rug

If your modern home is dominated by rectangular items, furniture, and walls, you want to soften the room and make it more intimate. Then we recommend putting in a round rug to relax your surroundings. Let's try this round piece to infuse some freshness into your surroundings.

Ivory Overdyed Area Rug

53. Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

This Chinese rug features a diverse range of designs, including ogee, triangles, spirals, vines, and leaf-like motifs. Burgundy is bold and vivid, with beige highlights to round it out. With this lovely floor piece, you will undoubtedly build a sophisticated but welcoming atmosphere in your home. Furthermore, its stain and wear resistance ensures that it can last for several years.

Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

54. Black Contemporary Area Rug

If there are too many round objects in a space, it creates a jarring effect. On the other hand, the round shape rug uniquely connects all things, creating a deep, personal, and intimate feeling in the room. They're also simple to clean, stain, and waterproof. RugKnots help you to give your children a bedroom, a playroom, or a nursery a new look in 2024 with our practical and appealing Contemporary Rugs.

Black Contemporary Area Rug

55. Red Southwestern Area Rug

The rug's dark mahogany red color makes it stand out in any setting. It has contrasting beige accents with motifs and small details that make the whole rug design pop. This decor perfectly illustrates the makers' artistry and craftsmanship, adding value to this floor piece. Hand-knitting a delicate rug takes a very long time. That is why, after all that effort, it will be difficult to destroy. This round rug comes in a variety of sizes to fit in tight spaces or on tables. RugKnots is currently offering a discount on their items.

Red Southwestern Area Rug

56. Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

Install this vibrant rug on your floors to draw attention to the room's focal points with only one decorative item. We use pure wool fabrics because they are resistant to wear and stains from children's play. They are available in various sizes and shapes, allowing you to match them to the dimensions of your child's room. The colorful flatweave will complement your all areas. .

Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

57. Blue Southwestern Area Rug

An excellent and refreshing modern rug adds a soothing element to any indoor or outdoor environment. Use this cozy rug to enhance every space in the house or impress visitors by integrating it into an outdoor seating area. If you plan to change your rugs in 2024, make a fashion statement for your home with the best area rug ever.

Blue Southwestern Area Rug

58. Black Geometric Area Rug

This Chinese rug with classic floral prints on a black surface will liven up any dull space. The ivory floral borders add more character to the design. The rug will work well with white space or plain, subdued furnishings, ensuring that the overall look is not intimidating.

Black Geometric Area Rug

59. Coral Southwestern Area Rug

A coral rug with a contrasting cotton white background gives every room a summery feel. This pink coral rug, which isn't your typical beach color palette of blues and greens, is sure to evoke feelings of summer breezes and crashing waves. This rug from our Veranda Collection will make your room stand out without being too distracting. Pink is such a color that brings femininity and sophistication to mind.

Coral Southwestern Area Rug

60. Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

Floral patterns are a perfect way to add a feminine touch to your design while still creating a peaceful, inviting atmosphere. Traditional flowers are combined with delicate curved light beige color layers to create a look that adds intimacy and character to any modern room. In your entryway or living room, you'll adore this lovely round area rug.

Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

61. Brown Southwestern Area Rug

This beautiful area rug is influenced by southwestern styles and will add a splash of color to your room. The bright red, burgundy, ivory, light yellow, and fading orange color palette will appeal to you. This southwestern home decor's intricate designs will mystify your visitors. Don't waste any more time surfing; choose this one for your modern home.

Brown Southwestern Area Rug

62. Brown Boho Chic Area Rug

Like this red-dominated pattern rug from our Royal Collection, a boho-chic interior appears noisy, almost chaotic, but warm and cozy. This machine-made rug is made entirely of heat-set polypropylene and is non-shedding and straightforward to care for. We recommend placing this round rug on the social area floors because it will beautifully handle dust while also giving your Boho Chic room a Moroccan feel.

Brown Boho Chic Area Rug

63. Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

This Chinese hand-hooked rug is ideal for indoor or outdoor areas with a lot of foot traffic because it's made of polypropylene, which can withstand harsh weather and friction. The intricate geometric pattern, coupled with a range of subdued multi tones, gives this an exceptional and artistic appeal. RugKnots Online has this round rug set.

Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

64. Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

This beige and ivory rug with multicolored floral prints is a perfect way to channel your playful and fun style. A fresh blooming vibe adds a feminine touch to any room or space with this gorgeous rug. The rug range is made of Chinese hand-hooked wool pile, which is stain-resistant, sturdy, and fade-resistant so that it will last a long time.

Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

65. Brown Boho Chic Area Rug

This gorgeous honey yellow boho chic area rug is beckoning to you. The intricate designs hand-tufted into this beautiful area rug will fascinate you. This rug is both functional and durable, and it will make a statement in any home, regardless of style or color. Allow the gorgeous shade of Auburn, along with pops of black and honey yellow highlights, to be the focal point of your home.

Brown Boho Chic Area Rug

66. Multicolor Southwestern Area Rug

The abstract design rug is a great way to spice up a dull setting. This new wave rug's multicolor play will serve as an additional piece of décor in your room. Warm tones of tawny brown, sand, and ivory are used to create a more inviting atmosphere in your house. Because of its neutral palette and simplistic nature, this Southwestern rug blends easily with other design elements.

Multicolor Southwestern Area Rug

67. Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

The multicolor round rugs offer your floor texture, pattern, and color. Walking over this wool rug gives you a wet, soothing, and calming feeling. Since our range comes in various colors, it is the perfect match for your current home style. We assure our customers of the longevity and cost-effectiveness of our product. No compromise on product quality.

Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

68. Navy Southwestern Area Rug

With bold colored rugs and intricate patterns, you can create a style-impacting floor decor that will make your space stand out. This lovely indigo color allows you to flaunt a well-coordinated and elegant look that will give your room a much-needed boost while also adding a touch of sophistication and style.

Navy Southwestern Area Rug

69. Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

If you choose a minimalistic home theme, this multicolor geometric rug can be used to decorate one of your room's corners. This one-corner style will assist you in achieving the desired look. You can also use this round rug to draw attention to your favorite armchair or table. You'll feel as though you're stepping on a cloud.

Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

70. Black Boho Chic Area Rug

This boho-chic area rug in earth tones of black/burgundy and tan is perfect for a rustic-inspired home. This rug is both functional and durable, and it will make a statement in any home, regardless of style or color. Allow the beautiful shade of neutral colors, bursts of black, and accents of brown hues to be the focal point of your home.

Black Boho Chic Area Rug

71. Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

This lovely Chinese rug features a traditional floral pattern on a sky blue background with ivory floral borders. It breathes new life into a vacuum, bringing with it a soothing and relaxing sensation. Whether light or dark, blue has a refreshing vibe that might fit well in social areas such as the living room or dining room.

Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

72. Brown Boho Chic Area Rug

A rustic and laid-back oriented home decoration will benefit from a boho-chic with antique flowers and leaves prints in solid black and a brown colored rug. This boho-chic rug is made entirely of polypropylene and is machine-made to perfection.

Brown Boho Chic Area Rug

73. Yellow Southwestern Area Rug

A three-line striped rug in rich mustard yellow adds a modern touch to any room. The warm yellow color contributes to the much-needed warmth and coziness of a home. This Chinese polypropylene rug will add drama and warmth to any room. RugKnots experts also have cleaning and decorating advice.

Yellow Southwestern Area Rug

74. Multicolor Boho Chic Area Rug

This rug set in Parchment White/Slate Blue/ Mustard Yellow Boho Chic Rug is symmetrically printed with elephant style and makes a great statement for your interior and exterior home. Its printed style adds a splash of ethnic boho chic to your house, with a touch of Egyptian and oriental ambiance.

Multicolor Boho Chic Area Rug

75. Beige Southwestern Area Rug

Who doesn't like it when a single area rug makes their space feel comfortable and intimate? A beige rug can be bland on its own, but it becomes a focal point in your home when you add colorful motifs. The beautiful print on this Chinese rug contributes to the room's coziness and sophistication.

Beige Southwestern Area Rug

76. Black Boho Chic Area Rug

Brown-black rug collection's crisp-looking hues are best accentuated in a French country-inspired style. This rug collection is made of 100% heat-set polypropylene and is machine-made to last. It comes in a variety of styles and sizes to suit your preferences. Over ceramic, laminated tiles, or wooden floors, it will add warmth and texture.

Black Boho Chic Area Rug

77. Green Southwestern Area Rug

With this one-of-a-kind floor piece from our Veranda series, you can create a carefree, eclectic mix of old and new with circular patterns in the lime green shade with intricate motifs and contrasting ivory for a much-needed pop of color. This piece will undoubtedly highlight your distinct personality.

Green Southwestern Area Rug

78. Multicolor Southwestern Area Rug

A multicolored chevron pattern on the floor adds a unique twist to the traditional chevron style. You don't have to spend a lot to refresh your home with different shades to inspire decor accents in your style. This is a very functional and attractive floor piece that will complete your desired home style.

Multicolor Southwestern Area Rug

79. Beige Southwestern Area Rug

It only takes one significant change to breathe new life into space. Changing the rugs is the fastest and cheapest choice. This neutral-colored rug from our Veranda collection serves as the ideal backdrop for bolder accent pieces that you can integrate into your home design to complete the desired look.

Beige Southwestern Area Rug

80. Green Contemporary Area Rug

This Chinese rug is filled with tile-like floral motifs in a rich lime green color combined with ivory, allowing the entire decor to pop in any room. Adding a green rug to your home gives it a new feel, as it evokes the fresh look of nature. Bringing the outdoors in with your decor will help you in achieving your desired nature-inspired homestyle.

Green Contemporary Area Rug

81. Ivory Southwestern Area Rug

By placing a round rug in your small room, you can visually expand it. Here is another modern style round rug from our Veranda range. The combination of ivory and red completes the sophisticated and elegant look of this Chinese rug. It's adorned with lovely foliage and motifs as a centerpiece, with a corner design for added visual appeal.

Ivory Southwestern Area Rug

82. Grey Contemporary Area Rug

Grey is the most common color among designers these days. This color blends well with a wide range of home decor. Similarly, the grey contemporary rug fits in with the rest of the furniture and the wall and floor tiles. The round rug not only opens up and brightens your bed but also softens the surrounding items' sharp edges. Since it is hand-hooked with a polypropylene pile, it is ideal for outdoor use.

Grey Contemporary Area Rug

83. Green Southwestern Area Rug

The combination of floral and foliage on this Chinese rug from our Veranda collection completes the nature-inspired look. This is the ideal piece for any room in the house that needs a dash of Southwestern flair. This rug's subdued neutral color makes it a versatile floor piece that can easily be incorporated into various home styles.

Green Southwestern Area Rug

84. Multicolor Boho Chic Area Rug

With a touch of Egyptian and oriental ambiance, you can give your home a striking and ethnic boho-chic look. It has elephant designs with symmetric prints. This boho-chic rug set in shades of blue and grey makes a bold statement for your home's interior and exterior. Remind yourself that routine maintenance keeps them as new and bright as when they were first purchased.

Multicolor Boho Chic Area Rug

85. Brown Boho Chic Area Rug

This boho-chic rug's intricate pattern was hand-tufted in Turkey with a polypropylene pile. As a result, this area rug is highly functional and long-lasting. Place this rug underneath a dining room table and enjoy as your guests' faces light up with delight at the beautiful oriental design. RugKnots guarantees that you will adore their round area rug collection and not be disappointed with your decision.

Brown Boho Chic Area Rug

86. Multicolor Southwestern Area Rug

Even with minimal furniture or accents, the designs, texture, and colors add dimension to your whole look. The multicolor rug is made of wool, which makes it incredibly fluffy and luxurious. Its color scheme, without a doubt, creates a stunning round area rug. This rug would look great in any space with minimal décor, adding to the overall aesthetic appeal.

Multicolor Southwestern Area Rug

87. Tan Geometric Area Rug

This piece is hand-hooked with a synthetic polypropylene pile, which improves its longevity and reliability for use in a social environment. Go ahead and place this lovely tan geometric area rug underneath your dining table. RugKnot offers free delivery and enticing discounts, so go ahead and choose your rug.

Tan Geometric Area Rug

88. Navy Southwestern Area Rug

A polypropylene rug with accents of daisy white lines in a rich navy blue color is ideal for putting together a well-put-together home design. Enhance with a transition rug that can be used both indoors and out to achieve your desired look. This Southwestern-inspired Chinese rug is sure to find a place in your home.

Navy Southwestern Area Rug

89. Beige Southwestern Area Rug

Floral rugs are trendy and never go out of style, no matter what taste in design and style you prefer. The rug's subdued neutral color helps to balance out the design's large-scale floral pattern, which can be overwhelming. Using an indoor-outdoor rug in your decor will assist you in achieving your perfect natural homestyle.

Beige Southwestern Area Rug

90. Navy Contemporary Area Rug

This piece of art will go with any home, décor, or theme. We give you a good idea about the best round area rugs in RugKnot for your floor decoration in this blog so that you can clear your doubts before you go shopping. . You put this round rug in the living room, dining room, or entryway for creating intimacy and warmth in your surroundings

Navy Contemporary Area Rug

91. Brown Southwestern Area Rug

The beige flower blanket looks stunning with the rich chocolate brown, which is weaved from a polypropylene pile. It's a perfect way to make a bold statement in your house. It adds a splash of color and texture to your room while still working well with other subdued tones to balance the busy pattern and dark color.

Brown Southwestern Area Rug

92. Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

This lovely round rug is made of high-quality 100 percent pure wool and adds elegance and intimacy to any room. Its shape and multicolor make it ideal for your hallway, living room, or entryway's wooden floor. We make your decision simple and straightforward by providing you with detailed information about our products. So, what are you thinking now about? RugKnots has the most delicate rugs on the market.

Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

93. Brown Boho Chic Area Rug

This brown boho chic rug is made with wool fibers by RugKnots' best artisans and dyed with only the finest organic dyes that never fade in the sun or wet in the rain. Natural fibers make it incredibly comfortable and fluffy, as well as highly durable. This rug compliments every furniture style beautifully and makes a room appear larger than it is.

Brown Boho Chic Area Rug

94. Grey Geometric Area Rug

It is exquisite and visually appealing because of the wave tribal designs on one side of the rug. This plush rug is luxuriously soft to the touch and can add warmth and coziness to any room. The lovely turquoise hand-tufted rug is embellished with brown wood prints depicting waves, making it ideal for beachy decor. Please don't waste time browsing; choose your rug and add it to your cart.

Grey Geometric Area Rug

95. Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

As it was hand-knotted with wool, it adds warmth and comfort to your floor. These rugs would stand out no matter where you put them. So go ahead and purchase this rug for a fair price with free delivery. RugKnots artesian did their best to create a rug of such high quality that it will last for generations in your family.

Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

96. Multi-Color Southwestern Area Rug

Brown comes in a variety of hues, ranging from chocolate to oak to tawny. This color scheme is a traditional rug color scheme that adds warmth and coziness to your home. This multi-shaded brown rug is one of the lighter takes on the brown palette that will undoubtedly make your room more welcoming and comfortable for visitors to enjoy. This year, shop for a round rug to update your home's decor.

Multi-Color Southwestern Area Rug

97. Multicolor Neutral Area Rug

It is hand-tufted from pure wool, this plush and soft rug is exceptionally sturdy, hardwearing, and flexible. It has excellent stain resistance and is simple to clean and maintain. This rug can endure a lot of wear and tear, ensuring that you have a long-lasting floor decor that you can change out depending on the season.

Multicolor Neutral Area Rug

98. Multi-Color Southwestern Area Rug

This rug is ideal for creating definitions in an open space by separating it. This decor is a transitional rug with a mix of dark and light colors that can be easily incorporated into any home design. These Circle Rugs were hand-knotted with New Zealand wool, making them resistant to moisture and heavy foot traffic. We guarantee that you'll never be disappointed for investing your time and money in RugKnots.

Multi-Color Southwestern Area Rug

99. Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

Its circular design would undoubtedly make a statement in any modern home. Please keep in mind that round or circular-shaped area rugs have no placement restrictions, so you can now put them wherever you want. RugKnots is offering a discount and free delivery on this breathtakingly beautiful rug.

Multicolor Geometric Area Rug

100. Gold Geometric Area Rug

This hand-knotted wool rug will make you feel cozy and comfortable after a long day. Organic dyes used in the manufacturing process do not fade quickly and can last for several years. We're here at RugKnots to help you find the perfect area rug. Even in its subdued natural color, the rug features central geometric patterns with double line boundaries that establish an imaginative and abstract look for the entire design.

Gold Geometric Area Rug

In a nutshell, your home or workplace's linear, geometric and square shapes can be softened by putting these best area rugs. Circular area rugs conveniently fit any small space without making it look out of place. RugKnots offers you the best rugs ever. Here in this blog, we listed 25+ best area rugs for 2024, but we have many shapes like square, rectangle, and runner. Each room in your home has different demands. That’s why you find a wide range of best area rugs that come with every shape, size, material, and style. You get our area rugs review before shopping from the RugKnots website.

Frequently Asked Questions About Round Rugs

1. Is Rugs Shape Matter On Flooring?

Yes, shape matter. It makes you look at your ample space in a balance-sized appearance or small areas into a bright and broad look. Rounded rugs can make a big difference in your home décor because of their shape. Here at RugKnots, we offer you area rug in the square, rectangular, circular, and also runner form.

2. Which Is The Best Area Rug To Buy?

The area rug with stain, wear, and moisture-resistant properties are always best for indoor and outdoor use for many decades. So choose a rug that works best both functionally and styling. Take colors, combinations, patterns, material, and sizes under your consideration while shopping for rugs.

3. How To Style My Home With Round Area Rugs?

First of all, you must take rug size and your area dimensions into consideration. Its size should be large enough to accommodate chairs legs placed on it. Your circular flooring rug color should contrast with the major furniture element in that room. Your rugs should be enough to highlight your room's appearance with minimal décor.

4. May I Use Round Area Rugs On Table?

Yes, it creates harmony between rounded furniture pieces and round rugs. Just make sure about the size and dimension of the rug before buying. In short, circular rugs work both on and under the dining or coffee table. You can buy in many sizes from us, and you can also avail the custom rugs services.

5. How I Clean My Round Area Rugs?

All rugs need regular maintenance from starting because prevention is better than cure. Always be gentle with cleaning because harsh handling may lead to quick shedding and damage. At least twice a year, do a deep cleaning with professional rug cleaners to increase its lifespan. RugKnots offer different material rugs like wool, silk, polyester, polypropylene.

6. Is There Any Variety In Round Area Rugs?

The RugKnots offer plenty of the best rugs ever in its material, including mixed fibers such as cotton and wool, natural fibers, silk blend fibers, organic, wool, synthetic fiber. The vast range of patterns from abstract, bordered, animal, geometric, floral, kitchens, oriental, holiday, shags, or even stripes.

7. Where I Use Circular Shaped Area Rugs?

The best case of putting circular rugs is to have a circular room or curved furniture like a rounded dining table and coffee table. The designer also gave a decorating tip that circular area rugs in small rooms looked more spacious and created an exciting contrast with tighter space and square walls.

8. What Are The Most Common Features Of The Area Rugs?

The area rug's most common features are stain-resistant, moisture-resistant, wear, tear-resistant, and light-resistant properties. All these features make your rugs durable that will last for many decades. RugKnots provides you high-quality area rugs that come with all these features.

9. What Are The Shipping Option For Area Rugs?

RugKnots offers 100% free shipping to you at home. So don’t waste your time because, in this Covid period, you can shift your home's entire look without going outside for shopping. Go and shop the best area rugs in 2024.

10. What Size Should Be A Round Rug Under My Circular Table?

A rug size should be large enough to expose the bare floor at least 18 inches on the edge of the rug. keep in mind that sizes vary with respect to your table size as a coffee table or dining table.

We have listed some best area rugs ever for 2024. We hope you will purchase these rugs for decorating or switching your interior during this covid. RugKnots not only gives you a discount but also offers you free shipping on your doors. If you have any confusion about anything related to area rugs, then please email us at or call us at (301) 660-7046. RugKnots online service operators happily answer your all queries.

Red Isfahan Area RugRed Isfahan Area Rug
Rugknots Red Isfahan Area Rug - AR5569
$3,457.99 $6,915.98
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Ivory Ziegler Area RugIvory Ziegler Area Rug
Rugknots Ivory Ziegler Area Rug - AR3597
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Multi-Color Overdyed Area Rug - AR3441Multi-Color Overdyed Area Rug - AR3441
Rugknots Multi-Color Overdyed Area Rug - AR3441
$2,650 $5,300

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Ivory Isfahan Area Rug - AR5496Ivory Isfahan Area Rug
Rugknots Ivory Isfahan Area Rug - AR5496
$2,545.47 $5,090.93
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Multi-Color Ziegler Area RugMulti-Color Ziegler Area Rug
Rugknots Multi-Color Ziegler Area Rug - AR5075
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