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Professional Rug Care Advice & Cleaning Techniques

Why You Need A Round Rug?

by Uzair Qureshi 01 Apr 2023 0 Comments

Rugs come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Most of the famous oriental rugs tend to be square and rectangular in shape. Of course, most houses have square or rectangular rooms, so it just makes sense that rugs come in these shapes to accommodate the floor area.

However, the shape of rugs does not always have to conform to the shape of the room. There is no standard rule that says that you can only use rectangular rugs in rooms with rectangular floor plans. So, if you can have round rugs in rectangular rooms, the answer is YES!

Remember that interior design is meant to express yourself, and being different is one of the many ways you can make a lasting impression on your house guests. Moreover, you can delight yourself with your decision to feature a beautifully unique round rug in your home!

Use It To Layer Other Oriental Rugs

You can also use round rugs on top of large plain rugs, such as jute or even a simple polypropylene rug. This will allow you to use the round rug as an accent piece. If you need a simple, elegant, yet budget-friendly solution to getting an oriental rug, this is the answer! You will still have the functionality of a large rug but with the style and sophistication of a small Persian rug!

Make Small Rooms Look Bigger

One significant benefit that round rugs bring to the table is that they can make smaller rooms look a lot like they are bigger. The circular shape of round rugs creates the impression that a room is much larger because the carpet does not cover all the floor space.

Regardless of the size of round rugs, you can use large and small rugs to make your smaller room look bigger. You just need to understand when to use round rugs and where to spread them properly. Round rugs are also a great addition to a room that does not have that much furniture because it will make the room look like it is not empty.

Things You Need To Consider When Choosing Round Rugs

As with any other rug, there are many things that you need to consider when choosing the best round rug for your needs.

Ask yourself some questions. Like what is its intended purpose? Do you want a large round rug covering almost all your floor area or just a tiny round rug that will be enough for a few pieces? This is very important as round rugs come in a variety of sizes, from 6' x 6' to large 10' x 10' round rugs.

What kind of round rug do I want? Round rugs can be difficult to find, depending on the type you're looking for. Round polypropylene or polyester rugs are relatively easy to find. However, authentic round oriental rugs can be much harder to find. To decide what kind of rug you want, consider if you want to invest in all-natural wool material or cheaper synthetic material. Then, consider if you want a rug that is entirely handmade or not. This will help you determine the price range you should be looking at.

Lastly, what color rug do you want? What designs do you want? These questions seem obvious, but too often, people know what kind of rug they want and what size they need but can't decide what style they like. There are so many options when it comes to colors and designs, so it's really beneficial if you have a good idea or picture of what you want your rug to look like.

Frequently Asked Questions about Round Rugs

1. Where Do Round Rugs Look Best?

It's a great option for under beds and nightstands in the bedroom. Round rugs are perfect for living rooms and dining spaces. You can place a round rug under furniture, in the centre of your living room or in an open entryway to highlight the area.

2. What Does A Round Rug Do In A Room?

A round rug adds color, warmth and space to a room. The round area rug makes smaller spaces look larger and adds a focal point to walk around without bumping into furniture. It brings a personal touch with its many colors and patterns available in the market nowadays.

7. Can I Place A Round Rug Under My Round Dining Table?

Yes, you can place a round rug under your dining table. However, when doing so, it is essential to take into account that the edges of your table will add height to the overall look and feel of your area rug. If you are not satisfied with how everything looks together, then there may be other options for you, such as buying two separate round rugs. You can place one under your dining table and another in the sitting area next to your chairs. When buying the rug, make sure to take into consideration the size of your table and chairs.

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